Bruno Ribeiro
Piano Instructor
M.M. Piano Performance, Stephen F. Austin State University, M.M. Chamber Music, Piano, Stellenbosch University, B.M. Piano Performance, Escola Superior de Musica e Artes do Espetaculo
Fully Booked

Bruno Ribeiro, a native of Porto, Portugal, started studying piano at Vilar do Paraiso’s Academia de Musica at the age of six. Bruno attended the Escola Superior de Musica e das Artes do Espetaculo in Porto where he earned his degree in Piano Performance. Bruno obtained his first Master’s Degree in Chamber Music at Stellenbosch University in South Africa where he studied with Luis Magalhaes. During his time at Stellenbosch, Bruno was chosen to perform solo with the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra, and also won the Lionel Bowman prize for the best interpretation of a Beethoven sonata.
Bruno went on to Stephen F. Austin State University to earn his second Master’s Degree in Piano Performance, where he studied with Dr. James Pitts. While studying at SFA, Bruno performed with the Orchestra of the Pines as part of the Concerto Aria competition. Bruno is currently working on his Ph.D. in Music Theory at the University of North Texas, where he studies piano with Mr. Vladimir Viardo.
Bruno has extensive piano teaching experience including serving on the faculty of the Music Preparatory Division at SFASU and adjunct faculty at Tyler Junior College. As a teacher, Bruno strives to adapt his teaching to the needs and aptitude of each student. His hope is that his students will develop a love for music that will benefit them in many areas of life.